Best KPIs to Track for a Blog in 2024

Learn the top blog key performance indicators (KPIs) marketing experts recommend tracking to optimize performance, measure growth and engagement, and prove impact and ROI. This guide covers metrics like traffic, time on site, conversion rates, lead generation, social shares, backlinks and more.

Written By:
Alabi Mercy
Published Date:
May 27, 2024
Updated Date:
July 31, 2024


blog kpis

I have looked forward to writing this blog for a while as it resonated so well with many writers. As the year goes by, many of us bloggers and writers are looking for ways to level up our game and make the most of our time and efforts.

One of the best places to start is tracking the right key performance indicators (KPIs) for your blog. I know the term "KPI" can sometimes sound a little dry or corporate, but stick with me here. These metrics are actually super important for helping us understand what's working, what needs improvement, and how to make strategic decisions about the future of our blogs.

The good news is that the landscape of important KPIs is constantly shifting, so I wanted to take a fresh look at the best ones to focus on in 2024. There is no outdated advice here, just the metrics that will move the needle for bloggers like us.

Ready to dive in? Let's get started!

What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

why blog kpis matters
What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are metrics that businesses or writers use to track and measure their progress toward specific goals and objectives.

KPIs provide a clear picture of a company's performance and help identify areas of success and areas that need improvement. But KPIs are more than just numbers; they're a way for businesses to connect with their customers and create meaningful relationships.

In the context of blogging, KPIs help bloggers understand the effectiveness of their content, marketing strategies, and overall growth. By monitoring these key metrics, bloggers can:

Identify Areas for Improvement

KPIs reveal which aspects of the blog are performing well and which need more attention. This allows bloggers to make informed decisions about where to focus their efforts.

Set Achievable Goals

KPIs provide a benchmark for success, enabling bloggers to set realistic and measurable goals for their blog's growth and development.

Measure the Impact of Changes

By tracking KPIs over time, bloggers can evaluate the effectiveness of any changes or new strategies they implement and make further adjustments as needed.

Communicate Progress

KPIs can be used to communicate the blog's performance to stakeholders, such as sponsors, advertisers, or business partners, demonstrating the blog's growth and value.

Why Does Blog KPIs Matter

Blog KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) matter because they provide valuable insights into the performance and effectiveness of your blog. By tracking the right KPIs, you can:

Measure Progress Toward Your Blog's Goals and Objectives

As a blogger, tracking the right KPIs is like having a roadmap for your blog's success. These metrics give you this super valuable window into how your content and strategies are actually performing.

For starters, KPIs help you measure your progress towards those big, important goals you've set for your blog.

It's the difference between feeling like you're just stumbling around in the dark versus having clear signs pointing you in the right direction. The data lets you see if you're moving the needle and heading the right way.

Optimize Your Blog for Better Performance

It's about more than just the big picture; KPIs give you super granular insights into what your audience is really responding to. You can see which topics they love, which content keeps them engaged, and which promotions or marketing tactics are most effective.

And here's the thing, once you have all that valuable data, you can optimize and improve your blog. You can double down on what's working, fix what's broken, and ensure every content and strategy is as polished and impactful as possible.

Make Data-driven Decisions About Your Blog

Let's remember that KPIs also give you the ammunition you need to show off your blog's value to sponsors, partners, or anyone else who needs to see the numbers.

Pointing to the metrics and saying, "Look how awesome my blog is doing! can make all the difference when it comes to unlocking new opportunities.

KPIs give you the insights, the direction, and the proof you need to take your blog to the next level.

Key Elements of a KPI

The key elements of a KPI are essential because they provide a clear and structured framework for defining, tracking, and communicating performance metrics. Here's why each element is crucial:

The Measure

This is the specific metric or data point you will be tracking. For a blog, some standard measures could be things like pageviews, unique visitors, time on site, bounce rate, or even more granular metrics like social shares, email signups, or revenue generated. The key is choosing measures that directly tie back to the goals and objectives you have for your blog.

The Target

Once you've identified the metric you want to track, you need to set a specific, numeric goal or target for that measure. This gives you a clear benchmark to work towards, whether it's increasing pageviews by 20%, reducing bounce rate to under 50%, or growing your email list by 500 subscribers. Quantifiable targets help you evaluate progress in a meaningful way.

The Data Source

Knowing where your KPI data is coming from is crucial. This could be your web analytics platform, such as Google Analytics, email marketing dashboard, social media analytics, or any other relevant data systems you can access. Documenting the source ensures you're constantly pulling from the right place.

Reporting Frequency

Determining how often you'll measure and report on your KPIs is key. Will you be tracking them daily, weekly, or monthly? The right cadence depends on the metric and your goals, but consistency is important to spot trends and make timely adjustments.

The Owner

It is essential to assign clear ownership for each KPI. Who on your team or organization monitors the data, analyzes the results, and makes recommendations based on the insights? This accountability helps ensure your KPIs don't just sit in a spreadsheet somewhere. These key elements are necessary for KPIs to become clear and compelling.

Defining the measure, target, data source, reporting frequency, and owner provides the structure to track performance accurately, make data-driven decisions, and drive continuous improvement. By clearly defining these elements upfront, businesses can ensure their KPIs are aligned with strategic objectives, actionable, measurable, and consistently reported. This clarity enables teams to focus on the right metrics, optimize performance, and achieve their goals.

Top Blog KPIs to Track

Top Blog KPIs to Track

Overall Blog Visits

This foundational metric gives you a high-level view of how much traffic your blog generates overall.

It tells you the total number of visits across all your blog content, allowing you to assess your site's overall reach and popularity. This KPI measures the total number of visits to your blog.

Tracking this metric is essential to understanding the overall traffic your blog generates and identifying performance trends over time.

Traffic Source Breakdown

Knowing where your blog traffic is coming from is crucial. Are visitors finding you through organic search, social media, referrals from other sites, or email marketing?

This KPI shows where your blog traffic is coming from, such as organic search, referrals, email marketing, and social media. Knowing your traffic sources helps you understand which channels drive the most traffic and where to focus your marketing efforts.

Understanding the breakdown of your traffic sources lets you double down on what's working and identify opportunities to diversify your acquisition channels.

Blog Homepage Visits

While total blog visits are essential, tracking traffic to your blog's homepage is also valuable. This metric tracks the number of visits to your blog's homepage.

It helps understand how many visitors enter your blog directly and how engaging your homepage content is.

Number Of Posts Published

This KPI measures the number of blog posts you're publishing. Tracking this metric helps you understand your content production rate and how it affects your blog's performance.

Monitoring the number of new blog posts you publish over time provides context for your overall content output and productivity.

This metric can also be analyzed alongside other KPIs to assess the impact of your publishing cadence.

Top Viewed Post

Identifying your highest-performing blog post(s) is crucial. Which content pieces drive the most traffic, engagement, and potential conversions?

Knowing your top-performing posts helps you understand what content resonates with your audience and informs your future content strategy. Zeroing in on your "star" content allows you to double down, promote it more heavily, and reverse-engineer what's making it successful.

Query Analysis

The query asks for specific information about inbound and outbound links per post, conversion rate, bounce rate, keyword rankings, and backlinks. Here is a breakdown of the requested information based on the provided sources:

Inbound Links Per Post

  • The sources primarily focus on the importance of inbound links (backlinks) pointing to your website from other sites.
  • Inbound links are considered a crucial Google ranking factor and can significantly impact search rankings.
  • The number and quality of inbound links play a vital role in SEO and can improve your website's authority and trustworthiness.

Outbound Links Per Post

  • Outbound links are links from your website to other external sites.
  • Including outbound links in your content can enhance your SEO strategy and provide value to your readers by offering additional information or citing sources.
  • You should link to relevant websites in your niche and avoid link farms or two-way backlinks.

Conversion Rate

  • Conversion rate measures the percentage of visitors who take a desired action on a webpage, such as purchasing or filling out a form.
  • Tracking conversion rates is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your content and optimizing for better results.

Bounce Rate

  • The bounce rate indicates the percentage of visitors who leave a webpage without taking any action.
  • A high bounce rate can signal that visitors are not engaging with your content, prompting the need for improvements to increase engagement and retention.

Keyword Rankings

  • Keyword rankings refer to the keywords your website ranks for in search engine results.
  • Monitoring keyword rankings is crucial for understanding your visibility in search results and optimizing your content for better search performance.


  • Backlinks are links from external websites pointing to your site, also known as inbound links.
  • The quality and quantity of backlinks are significant factors in SEO and can impact your website's authority and search rankings.
  • It's essential to track the number of quality and broken backlinks and identify any spammy links for effective SEO management.

Social Share

Social sharing helps your website content get indexed faster and improves other factors that help in your blog's search engine optimization. Configuring social media options, such as Facebook and Twitter sharing options, can increase traffic from social media and make it easy for people to share your content.

Share buttons can effectively increase social shares if strategically placed and optimized. Creating shareable content is a crucial rule of Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can KPIs differ between industries?

KPIs can differ between industries based on specific business goals, target audiences, and the nature of the industry itself.

What constitutes a "good" conversion rate or traffic volume for an e-commerce site will be very different from that of a SaaS company or a local service provider.

The key performance indicators you track should align with your unique business objectives, customer lifecycle, and market dynamics. Taking a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. You need to identify the most meaningful metrics for your specific context.

What are KPIs in SEO?

In SEO, KPIs are the metrics used to measure the performance and effectiveness of a search engine optimization campaign or strategy. These KPIs provide insights into how well your website is ranking, driving organic traffic, and converting visitors.

What tools can help in tracking marketing KPIs?

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Insights and Pixel
  • Google Search Console
  • CRM Tools (e.g., HubSpot, Salesforce)
  • Email Marketing Tools (e.g., MailChimp, Constant Contact)
  • Social Media Analytics Tools (e.g., Sprout Social, Hootsuite)
  • Content Marketing Tools (e.g., Ahrefs, SEMrush)
  • Advertising Tools (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads)
  • Databox