How To Apply For A Job As A Developer

Apply for a job as a developer with our simple guide. Get tips on resumes, cover letters, and interviews to help you secure your dream developer job

Written By:
Alabi Mercy
Published Date:
July 19, 2024
Updated Date:
July 22, 2024


The application process for a developer role can be smooth or difficult, depending on your approach. We know every application starts with you submitting your resume and cover letter, but if you want to stand out, you need a well-structured approach.

Recruiters always have to screen applicants to identify qualified candidates, and during this process, you might encounter technical assessments like coding challenges or quizzes to evaluate your programming knowledge and problem-solving abilities.

To impress them, you need to prepare for interviews. Also, bear in mind that the demand for skilled developers continues to soar across diverse industries.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, they predicted that millions of new software developer positions will be increased by 2029, an increase of almost 25% in 2029. So, to get your desired job, you need to go through a process that will stand you out.

10 job search tips to get a developer job in 2024

Job boards to get jobs as a developer
Top 10 job search tips to get a developer job

Be ready for your role

The first step is to honestly evaluate your current skill set and experience. Make a list of your technical proficiencies, programming languages, frameworks, and any relevant projects or work history. Identify areas where you excel, as well as skills you may need to improve or expand upon. Brush up on core programming concepts, data structures, and algorithms.

To refine your problem-solving approach and coding efficiency, practice solving coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank. This self-assessment will help you tailor your application materials and highlight your strongest qualifications.

Refine Your Resume

A crappy resume won't get you that Job; you would only turn out to be someone that keeps applying to a thousand jobs without results. You need to have your resume ready for the kind of Job that you want.

Don't just list generic duties. Quantify your accomplishments! Did you optimize a website that led to a 20% conversion increase? Mention it! Describe how you solved a complex problem or implemented a new feature that improved user experience.

You must carefully review your resume and highlight the skills and experience that match your requirements because generic resumes rarely land interviews. Don't just say you're "proficient" in a language in your resume. Demonstrate your expertise by mentioning specific frameworks, libraries, or tools you've used within those languages.

Include a dedicated "Projects" section to showcase your personal project skills and passion for development. You should also make sure to;

  • Keep your resume to one page, using clear headings, bullet points, and white space for easy readability.
  • To showcase well-roundedness, briefly mention your communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time-management skills.
  • Wrap up your resume by meticulously proofreading it, and consider having someone else review it for any mistakes.

Learn more about how to put freelance work on a resume.

Freelance portfolio
Refine your resume

Make sure your Portfolio is up to date

A well-crafted portfolio showcases your skills and experience and tells your professional story in a way that resonates with hiring managers. It's the first impression you make on potential employers. So always make sure your portfolio shows projects that directly align with your target jobs.

Also, bear in mind that recruiters love to see progress. Update your portfolio with recent projects that showcase your evolving skills and expertise. When creating your portfolio, Don't overload viewers; just select high-impact projects that exemplify your strengths. It serves as proof of your capabilities as a developer.

It is important to mention, too, that your portfolio can help spark conversation during interviews. It can lead to you walking employers through your projects, explaining your thought process, and highlighting your strengths. What this does is deepen their understanding of your skills and make a lasting impression.

Learn more about layers portfolio: an overview, features and benefits.

Research on Your Target Role

The developer landscape is vast. When searching for jobs, don't just skim! Read the job description meticulously, highlighting the required skills, experience, and company culture. This is your blueprint for crafting your application. Many companies maintain dedicated career pages listing their open positions.

Visit the websites of companies you admire and explore their career sections. This allows you to see the specific roles they're hiring for and get a feel for their company culture. Analyze the problems they're trying to solve and understand the "why" they are hiring.

Start by optimizing your professional profiles on sites like LinkedIn and AngelList. Ensure all the information about your skills, experience, and qualifications is up-to-date, and upload a professional photo and not a random picture taken with a phone.

Optimize your online profiles

Your personal website doesn't have to be strictly technical. It can be a platform to showcase your creativity and problem-solving skills through interactive elements or unique design.

Ensure consistency across all your profiles regarding name, contact information, and overall branding. Craft a compelling headline with relevant keywords on platforms like LinkedIn and use the experience section to quantify your achievements.

Build in public

As a developer seeking your dream role, building in public can be a powerful strategy. Pick a project that utilizes the skills and technologies desired in your ideal position.

Document your development journey, sharing your thought process, challenges overcome, and solutions implemented. This builds a portfolio showcasing your capabilities and attracts potential employers who can see your problem-solving skills and passion in action.

build in pubic
Build in public

Share your code on GitHub

GitHub is a version control system specifically designed for developers. It allows you to upload your code, track changes, collaborate with others, and showcase your projects professionally.

This demonstrates your ability to iterate, improve, and learn from mistakes, which are valuable skills for any developer. Sharing code publicly indicates confidence in your abilities and a willingness to be transparent about your work.

This can be a significant advantage in the eyes of potential employers. GitHub fosters a culture of code sharing. You can easily share your code with others or "fork" existing repositories to create your own version. This is a fantastic way to learn from others' code, contribute to open-source projects, and build upon existing ideas.

GitHub is more than just code storage. It's a thriving developer community where you can connect with other programmers, participate in discussions, ask questions, and learn from each other's experiences.

Make sure you have an active account before you send out any applications, and be sure to include a link in your resume.

Collaborate and network with the dev community

Think of networking as turning strangers into your advocates and mentors. You can build your network by attending events, participating in online communities, or using social media like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Don't be afraid to ask your existing contacts (friends, family, neighbors) if they know anyone relevant to the roles you're interested in. Most people are happy to provide advice or make introductions. While online forums can be helpful, meeting someone for coffee can make a stronger, more personal connection.

After getting your first job, many people find their next opportunities through their professional network. Hiring managers tend to have more confidence in candidates who are vouched for by their network.

It takes time to build a strong network, but it's never too late to start. Even if the benefits aren't immediate, your connections could help you get noticed or alert you to future job openings. The key is to keep an open mind and build relationships proactively. Your network can become a powerful asset in your job search with time and persistence.

python javascript
Match Your Skills To The Job Description

Match Your Skills to the Job Description

At this point, you are certainly preparing to start applying; carefully review the job description and requirements. Assess how your skills, experience, and qualifications align with what the employer is seeking. Highlight the areas where you excel and can add value to the organization. Consider:

·       Programming languages and frameworks you're proficient in

·       Relevant projects, internships, or work experience

·       Problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills

·       Familiarity with tools, databases, and development workflows

·       Soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability

Customize your resume, cover letter, and other application materials to emphasize the specific skills and experiences that match the job requirements.

Submitting Your Application

Once you've thoroughly prepared your application materials, it's time to submit them. Pay close attention to the instructions provided, such as:

·    Uploading your resume and cover letter to the company's career portal

·       Completing any additional application forms or questionnaires

·       Providing links to your online portfolio or GitHub profile

·       Submitting coding challenges or take-home assignments.

Indicate your availability for interviews or assessments, follow up on your application within a reasonable timeframe, and be responsive to any communication from the employer. Maintain a positive and professional demeanor throughout the process.

Where to Find Developer Job Listings

Job Boards

You can always cast a wide net with platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn Jobs. Explore their advanced filters to target specific locations, job titles (e.g., frontend developer), and keywords like "remote" or "full-time."

For instance, if you want to apply through LinkedIn, create an account if you don't have one and set it up, Filling your profile with all the necessary details. Follow these steps;

  1. Go to LinkedIn Jobs: Click on the "Jobs" tab on your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Search for Jobs: Use the search bar to enter keywords related to the Job you're looking for (e.g., "JavaScript Developer," "Remote frontend developer").
  3. Filter Results: To narrow your search, use filters like location, company, experience level, and date posted.
  4. Read Job Descriptions: Click on job titles to read the job description, requirements, and responsibilities.
  5. Company Research: Click on the company name to view its LinkedIn page, learn about its culture, and see if you have any connections who work there.
  6. Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume to highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the Job.
  7. Write a Cover Letter: If the job posting requests a cover letter, write a personalized one addressing why you're a good fit for the role and the company.
  8. Click 'Easy Apply' or 'Apply' Easy Apply: Some jobs have an "Easy Apply" button, allowing you to apply directly through LinkedIn. Click it, review the pre-filled application form, and upload your resume and cover letter if required. Double-check all details before submitting. Apply: For jobs without the "Easy Apply" option, clicking "Apply" will redirect you to the company's application page. Follow the instructions on the company's website to complete your application.
  9. Submit Your Application: Ensure all required fields are completed, and review your application materials before submitting.
  10. Finally, track your applications: Keep a record of the jobs you've applied for, including the application date and any follow-up actions.

The same process works for the rest of the job boards: research, write a cover letter, apply, and follow up as necessary. Other job board include;

  • AngelList: A platform for startups and job seekers in the tech industry. You can create a profile that showcases your skills and experience, connect with startups, and find job openings.
  • Indeed: A general job board with a wide range of listings for all industries and experience levels.
  • Stack Overflow Jobs: A job board for developers and other tech professionals.
  • Web3career: A job board focused on web3 jobs.

Company Career Pages

Many companies publicly advertise or post job opportunities. Go straight to the Source; Don't underestimate the power of company career pages. Visit the websites of companies you admire and explore their career sections.

This allows you to see the specific roles they're hiring for and get a feel for their company culture.

Networking Events and Meetups

When actively searching for a role, step beyond the digital landscape and attend networking events or meetups focused on developer communities.

These gatherings often feature job postings shared by members and offer the invaluable opportunity to connect with other professionals in the field.

Join communities dedicated to specific development areas (e.g., React meetups and Python user groups). These groups may have job postings or provide valuable insights into the current job market and potential hidden opportunities.


If you want to get a role as a developer:

  1. Remember that you'll be at the forefront of innovation, building the tools and technologies that shape the future.
  2. So, go ahead and be conversant with the web's foundational languages, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, through online resources and tutorials.
  3. Build a portfolio of projects to showcase your skills.

Once equipped, target your job search on web developer positions and tailor your applications to highlight relevant skills. Nail the interview by prepping for common questions and showcasing your projects and passion. I wish you good luck.