Layers Portfolio: An Overview, features and benefits

Discover the Layers Portfolio: An Overview of its features and benefits designed to empower freelancers. Learn how this innovative tool helps you showcase your work, build credibility, and attract more clients.

Written By:
Alabi Mercy
Company Update
Published Date:
July 5, 2024
Updated Date:
September 24, 2024



In any business, especially freelancing, visibility is key. The more polished and accessible your portfolio is, the greater your chances of attracting clients and securing projects. A well-crafted portfolio showcases your skills and is a testament to your professionalism and expertise.

As a freelancer, it might be difficult to get new clients because you don't have a portfolio or because you are mixing up your portfolio with your resume. As a freelancer, you enjoy the autonomy of setting your schedules, choosing your clients, and determining your career paths.

However, with these freedoms come challenges, such as finding consistent work, a long hiring process, and standing out in a competitive market. That's where Layers comes in. With its data-driven approach, Layers makes it effortless to have portfolios that truly stand out.

Why Do You Need a Portfolio?

If you want to stand out in your career as a freelancer, you need a solid portfolio. Although not all jobs require a portfolio, it is a common request for certain professions, such as writing, design, publishing, or tech roles. When clients can see detailed examples of your previous work and the results you've achieved, they gain confidence in your ability to deliver similar outcomes for their projects.

The Concept of a Portfolio in Freelancing

A portfolio is more than a resume; it's a visual narrative of your skills and achievements. It shows what you can do, not just what you say you can do. For freelancers, it's a virtual presentation where clients can see your work, gauge your expertise, and decide if you fit their project.

But what happens when your portfolio isn't visually pleasing? That could easily throw your clients off. The primary role of a portfolio is to showcase a freelancer's abilities in a tangible and visually appealing way. Unlike a resume listing qualifications and job history, a portfolio provides concrete work samples of what a freelancer has done and can do.

A portfolio must be considered an important tool for showcasing skills, experience, and completed projects. First, it serves as proof of your capabilities as a freelancer. Clients are more likely to trust and hire someone who can demonstrate their proficiency with actual work samples.

Second, it helps you stand out in a crowded market. A portfolio is an essential marketing tool for freelancers. It highlights your talents, and achievements and builds credibility and trust with prospective clients. Maintaining an up-to-date and compelling portfolio is indispensable for anyone aiming to secure more projects and advance their freelance careers.

Portfolio vs Resume

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Portfolio vs Resume

A resume is a summary of your professional history, including the list of clients you have worked with before. It highlights your experience and in most cases takes time to compile. It lists the positions you have held, the projects you have completed, and your educational background. Resumes focus on providing a timeline of your career, highlighting key experiences and accomplishments.

A portfolio, on the other hand, is a collection of your work that showcases your skills, creativity, and accomplishments. It's not just about listing what you can do, it's about showing it in a way that's engaging, authentic, and truly reflective of your work. A portfolio contains clear and easy-to-find contact details and links to professional social media profiles. A portfolio also includes your key skills, tools, and technologies you are proficient in.

The remarkable thing about this is that it makes it easier for clients to hire you and streamline decision-making. A portfolio is more like a demonstration of the result of working with you; it is a visual representation of your work, making it easier for clients to assess your abilities.

Learn more about how to put your freelance work on resume.

Introducing Layer's Portfolio

Layers is dedicated to making the portfolio creation process seamless and efficient. The main goal is to transform the traditional portfolio into a dynamic, interactive showcase that adapts to the evolving needs of modern freelancers.

Unlike static portfolios that require manual updates and extensive effort to maintain, Layers uses concepts like proof-of-work, which uses the work data to generate a comprehensive dataset that reflects the skills and work with all the necessary proofs.

For example, if you are looking at a developer portfolio, it will reflect all the tech stacks like react and Express.js they have worked on, and the viewer can validate them through their Github. It saves the time of going through GitHub and repos and verifying the skills, and it is similar for the designer, too.

One fundamental way Layers revolutionizes portfolios is through seamless integration with third-party platforms like Figma and GitHub. These integrations allow you to import work data directly into your Layers portfolio. For example, if you are a designer, you can effortlessly import your Figma projects into your Layers with a few clicks.

Similarly, developers can pull their GitHub data and showcase their technical skills and collaborative efforts with Layers analysis. Once your work data is imported, Layers automatically structures it into a cohesive and visually appealing portfolio. This process ensures that your portfolio is well-organized and professional, highlighting your skills, projects, and achievements in the best possible light.

Features of a Layers Portfolio

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Features of Layers Portfolio

Here are 2 significant features to look out for in Layers portfolio;

Data Import from Third-Party Apps to generate portfolio

One of Layers' standout features is its ability to import data from popular work platforms like GitHub and Figma, analyze them, and create a portfolio that reflects the skills. This integration allows you to pull your design projects and code repositories into your Layers portfolio effortlessly. After importing your data, it automatically presents these data more professionally and visually without any manual work. Your existing works on these platforms will be used to create a portfolio. With Layers, you can easily update your portfolio with your most recent work with a single click; all you need to do is refresh your data.

Verification and Security

Every piece of data imported and displayed in the Layers portfolio is verifiable, providing clients with an added layer of trust. For instance, code repositories from GitHub or design projects from Figma are directly linked and verifiable through their original platforms. This verification process reduces the need for extensive background checks and reassures clients that they view genuine, unaltered information.

Benefits of Creating Your Portfolio on Layers

Reduced Hiring Friction

Instead of relying solely on resumes or unstructured work samples, clients can make more informed hiring decisions based on the detailed and transparent information within the Layers portfolio. This streamlined hiring process lets clients focus more on collaboration and project execution rather than spending valuable time verifying a freelancer's qualifications.

With this, clients would spend less time verifying your credentials, and the verifiable data in a Layers portfolio provides immediate proof of a freelancer's abilities.

Increased Transparency

With Layers data-driven approach, your potential clients can now trust that the information presented in the portfolio is authentic and has not been tampered with. This trust fosters stronger, more reliable professional relationships and can lead to more successful project outcomes.

Lower Maintenance Effort

Finally, instead of manually updating your portfolio as it is done traditionally, once your account is linked, you can let the platform handle the synchronization with just a click, saving you time and effort. At Layers, we make the entire portfolio creation process easier than before. The main idea is to connect your Figma and Github accounts and import the work data directly. Layers Portfolio automatically structures imported data and builds a portfolio that can shared with anyone.

You can have all your work and a well-encompassing portfolio with your provided information. This feature enables you to highlight your skills, projects, and achievements in a visually appealing manner, and the good part is that it makes your portfolio stand out to potential clients.


At layers, we understand the challenges freelancers face, especially when starting, and this is why we are making the process easy. Unlike traditional platforms where data ownership can be ambiguous, Layers ensures that you retain complete control over your work and career data as a freelancer. This approach provides security and allows you to leverage your portfolio data throughout your career.

Layers make it easy to import and display your best work. When you create your portfolio, you can bring your existing projects and work onto Layers to showcase your skills and attract potential clients. The most important thing to note about Layer's portfolio is that it makes it easy for clients to understand, verify, and hire freelancers.